Hello everyone, so sorry its been.. oh geez a month since my last blog post. I assure you that it is not because of a lack of things to write in fact quite the opposite i've had more great experiences than sometimes i can properly remember. But now i'm here at the ATC (appalachian trail conservency) in Harpers Ferry, WV. This awesome center sits at just over 1,000 miles. Thats right i've walked over a thousand miles up the east coast so far its a very exciting and sobering realization. The actual halfway point sits at about 1,092 which lands somewhere in Pennsylvania but for many years the trail only extended 2,000 miles as apposed to the 2,184 miles it is today making harpers ferry the "psychological halfway point"
I also landed here at right around the 3 month mark for my adventure. This means that I can expect 3 more months and 1,000 more miles in my future. My mentality about the trip has changed a lot since the beginning when i was dead set on doing big miles and trying my hardest to push myself. After meeting scores of some of the nicest people I have ever meet and making tons of great friends while hiking I've realized that its all about the journey.
For example a couple of days ago in lovely Virginia (which i was in for a month and a half!) the temperature was 101 and 114 with the humidity. At this point me, Easy does it, Apollo arrived at what is called "the roller coaster". Its 15 miles of 10 different peaks and pretty much goes up and down over and over again. We got up to it and were absolutely dying of heat, if we continued there was a good chance we could suffer some serious issues. We tromp up to a road and figure that we will just walk the road on the side of the roller coaster because it was flatter, ok so its not technically the trail but shoot it was close enough. As we are walking a truck stops behind us and asks were we are headed, we say well trying to get to this restaurant 15 miles away. She tells us to hop in and she will take us to her house were her boyfriend can take us there... screw it not only can we get a ride but we get a nice breeze driving in the back of a pick up truck. So we head to a bar called the Horseshoe Curve. We're drinking beers hanging out and listening to the live music, a band called banana express if you like bluegrass you should totally check them out. Then a giant storm rolls in, trees are coming down left and right the winds are incredible and there was enough lightning to give someone with epilepsy a seizure. Shoot we gotta hike in this! Then a local drunkard asks were we are headed when he hears we are going to hike he tells us his buddy is having a big party right down the street and tells us we can crash there. Sweet! we drink a couple more beers and head down there, he takes us to the garage were there is what looks like a body on the floor.. oh lovely we landed ourselves in the house of one of Virginias many serial killers. But no it turns out it was in fact
A delicious pig! Which the next day was roasted up. There was also tons of great beer, cool people, and a live band. We ended up staying 2 nights and having an amazing time, and that would not have happened if i didn't decide to take that ride from that stranger.
Though there is no way of really knowing, people have said about 60% of the people who started have left and i would have to say thats about accurate. All but 2 of the people that started the day i did are gone, and its for all different reasons. The biggest is probably money, after 3 months of partying and hotel stays people ended up spending a lot more than they initially thought hell i know i did. People also have just not had the mental fortitude to continue, people miss their families, dogs, and just "regular" life in general.I'm very fortunate to have had both my dad, my brother, and my best friend visit me on the trail and that was a big boost of nostalgia that really helped me keep mentally strong. I will admit though i do miss everyone of my friends and family and i will have a bit of a skip in my step as i get closer and closer to my goal.
And that goal is certainly getting closer, with just about 7 states down and the mason dixon line rapidly approaching I am ready for a whole new kind of scenery and all new townies, lets hope they are all as friendly as the good old south.